Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What a load of whoey.

Lying to myself has backfired.

26 is definitely not as cool as I told myself it would be!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps its because i'm in a college city- but everyone looks like they're 12!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhh! And today these three welsh/italian (they're accents were blended) guys kept staring at me blatantly at the coffee shop like paparazzi (of course i love that thought) but they were like 50+ and I felt sad.

I suppose I'll give 26 another try. But it only gets one chance! One!!!

Yesterday was fun- except for the moments i thought i was going to DIE. sweet george!!!! or jorge, you decide. Dearest Elizabeth took those sharp turns at 95 on a two lane road that only fit one car!!!!!!!!!! I was white knuckled- and that's huge for me. Landscape was gorg. Gem, if you will. I've taken crappy photos on a disposable so i can post them before i get back (the nice ones will be developed at home).
Last night? Blew monkeys. Big hairy ones. Ferg and Elizabeth did their best though... and they're wonderful in their own unique way (i sound like my 1st grade teacher explaining ME).

1 comment:

IzadoraRex said...


that would make sense