Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gone is the Glass

If cats are my kryptonite, hugs are my undoing... my Achilles heal, if you will. Fucking Achilles, had to go and become an analogy that sheds light on my weaknesses, huh. Way to go, champ.

I can't fight the power of a sincere hug. And two hugs? BOO.

Not (le uber sigh) fair.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The pitiful pitfalls of pits

I'M STUCK IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION! gopaweugo2443jy23298yuq3yjhsa;.

Emmy please. Thank you. I dedicate this to bridges burned. May your soot find a peaceful resting place somewhere with lovely scenery, far, far away from MBFW-esque villainy.

Now. Time to focus on focusing. Life moves on, silly girl. Chin up, mantel clock and all.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Onward and Awayward

Bridge burning takes a lot out of a girl. All good things must come to an end. And oh, what an end.

I feel like Johnny Cash, self-destructing all over the place, only without the drug habit to exacerbate the situation. Cut and run, silly girl, cut and run. I heard the hills are nice this time of year. Or big rocks, their shadows make for good hiding. I hope there are big rocks by those big metal bridges up north (fyi - metal, ye kin? no wood burning for silly girls). Too bad there's big sharks too. Stupid sharks.