Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My name is Jonas

Edinburgh is a slice o heaven. Like a mint chocolate chip shake. like a freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookie. like a hot guy checking you out.

no...... its better.

I have nothing interesting to say ever. I feel like a dullard. I'M A DULLARD. pity party for one.

Thank you.

Ignore the lack of picture. It'll be there soon. Soon, pet, soooooon.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005


HOw the heck is one suppose to post on your blog if YOU haven't posted, hmmmmmmmm?

Get on that, YO!

I have spoken.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'll take the high road, thank you very much

I'll take the high road, you take the low road and I'll be in Scotland BEFORE YEEE

Damn straight.
Aug. 18th. On the bonny bonny banks of Loch Lomond.