Monday, May 23, 2005

Best thing in life? sweet sweat. No... that's a lie.

misspelling is like a sport for me... subconciously.

Shame that my work is in words. Hope that doesn't hurt me some day.

Movin' on up... to the north side, to a deeeluxe apartment in the ninth floor sk-yyyyyy. I've finally got a piece of the gold pieeeeeeee.

My dog is the biproduct of a moose and a kangaroo. Interspecies love affairs are special. Not ride the bus special, or live-in-mom's-basement-with-comic-book-collections special. But that kind of special "you got it!" sticker on an A+ paper special.
Me? I'm that should-be-wearing-a-helmut-with-my-name-on-it special.

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